Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face the challenge of social interaction and communication, leading to them often requiring significant support from others in their daily lives. We propose Furekit, a wearable toolkit that encourages physical interaction via audio and tactile stimuli. Furekit can be attached to various parts of the body, can be operated wirelessly, and is equipped with both a speaker and a vibrotactile actuator. We conducted workshop with children with ASD, we found that Furekit was well-received and was able to encourage their spontaneous physical movement.
自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)特性を持つ子どもは社会との関わりやコミュニケーションにおいて課題を抱えています。このFurekit(フレキット)は音や振動触覚刺激を活用して、身体的相互作用を促すことを目指します。 Furekitは、身体の様々な部位に装着でき、ワイヤレスで操作できるため、Furekitを着ている相手に自分が触れた場所を音と振動で伝えることが可能です。 このFurekitを使って特別支援学校にて子どもたちの自発的な身体運動を促す、特別授業を展開しました。
Di Qi, Mina Shibasaki, Youichi Kamiyama, Sakiko Tanaka, Bunsuke Kawasaki, Chisa Mitsuhashi, Yun Suen Pai, Kouta Minamizawa